Sire: Monster Square
Dam: Visionary
Bred by: Cobb Farms
Ear Notch: 45-5
Stress Status: Negative
Square Edge is our mature boar purchase from Cobb Farms and one that took us almost 3 weeks to get the deal done to get him bought. The pigs have been incredible out of his first crop and has only been used at Cobbs. They have used him very hard and are continuing to use hard. That was the issue letting him go and letting others use this boar because they know what he has done and what he can do for others. Monster Square is his sire and hogs sired by him fed great and the females that he made are incredible females, and they think this guy is going to follow in his footsteps.
Square Edge is one of the most impressive mature boars that you will ever see and stamps pigs that are square off both ends with good pasterns and the right amount of muscle with great base width. He is a boar that can breed all kinds of females and just make hogs better in so many areas. Great center body and rib shape with mass and power up high and square coming and going. Huge legs with big feet and correct pasterns and maintains squareness on the move. If you want to use a proven boar that we know makes then correct, square, and so good everything, then you better grab ahold of SQUARE EDGE!!!!!