Sire: Dirty Bill
Dam: Bad Man
Bred by: Ottenwalter Showpigs
Ear Notch: 95-8
Stress Status: Negative
Ridin Dirty is our $11,000 purchase from Ottenwalter at the 2018 Kings of the Hill sale in Texas. Russell called and was pumped up about this guy and his litter. After getting the video, we pulled the trigger to buy him. He is out of a good young sow that they have a lot of confidence in. Sired by the Dirty Secret son, Dirty Bill. We have seen a good set of pigs out of him offer some true shape and muscle.
Ridin Dirty is one that is bigger in his kind, yet a power hog that offers a bunch of shape and muscle. He is tall fronted and level from the side, square chested, and square ended. Offers shape and muscle up high and a shapely stifle. He is up on his pasterns and can help fix some females there, and add that extra look from the side. We feel he will work the best on those chubbier more moderate sows that need more design and raw shape. We think this guy can make some great selling pigs and should feed and make everyone want to be RIDIN DIRTY!!!!