Sire: Touch N Go
Dam: Sunset
Bred by: Rodibaugh Genetic Team
Ear Notch: 114-1
Registration: 583852001
Price: $150/dose
Off-Season Price (October 15th to March 17th) - $100
Here is the Touch N Go son that we felt we needed to lay in. And after Touch N Go’s first summer of winners we realized, it’s hogs built like Go Ahead that win big shows. From the proven Rodibaugh firm, that has been raising the right kind and hogs that breed on. This boar got banged up at WPX and after talking to Steve how much he liked this one before the trip needless to say couple weeks after expo he was all the way back and looked the part.
Go Ahead is a bigger outlined hog that still has great muscle and shape on the top side. He is a square chested boar and is good about his center body and big ended. He is square at his knee, has a square hock, and is up on his pasterns. We think this boar can take those smaller framed females and make them a shot bigger, but still maintain some power and mass. If you need to use a balance complete boar that will keep hogs correct, then GO AHEAD!!!!